During the first Educational Psychology 401 class, we discussed several things. We first go to know each other and listen to why each of us decided to go into teaching. This was a great part of class, because it was inspiring and uplifting to hear everyone's thoughts on what led them to go into teaching. In addition, we heard about what led the interpreting majors to pursue a career path of interpreting whether that included teaching or interpreting in the medical field. It was fascinating to hear about their reasons for going into this field and the expectations they have for themselves in this career. The overall feel of the class was comfortable and relaxed, which made it easy to express my opinions and openly have conversation with my peers.
My objectives for this course are to obtain a thorough and better understanding of educational psychology. I am looking forward to enhancing my knowledge on how/why students learn and develop throughout the educational process as they grown and mature into adults. I would also like to learn about the different behaviors that children portray and the reasons such behaviors exist in a learning environment.
My concerns for this class are being able to thoroughly understand the reading enough to demonstrate my knowledge on the subject matter in class, especially since each of the chapters in the book are pretty lengthy and loaded with informational material. In addition, I am also concerned class participation. I always make a conscious effort to participate in class discussions, but fear that sometimes I might not understand the concept well enough to discuss it and therefore won't receive participation points for that particular class. As a whole, I am looking forward to the experiences that this class will bring and the information it will provide me with that will foster my growth as a future educator.
I am going to "follow" you this semester my friend!